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Easter 2017
Dinner at home
Good Friday April 14, 2017

In 2017, our family of four had our Easter dinner on Good Friday (April 14th) which was very unusual for us. Ethan worked Thursday and Saturday 5-9 p.m. and Luke was busy working away on finishing his honours thesis now that classes were over.
Immediately after Easter weekend Luke began his election assistant job with Strathcona County on Tuesday April 18, 2017. He still had one university final in Economics 222 upcoming on the 26th but the close of his work towards his BA Honours in Political Science was on the horizon.

Easter 2016
Nanaimo & Parksville, BC

Easter 2015 At Home

Easter 2011
In England with our Doern extended family

Easter 2010
Headed to Calgary on Saturday and enjoyed pizza supper. Aunty Maureen hosted Easter dinner on Sunday April 4, 2010, but unfortunately so far do not have a single photo.

Easter 2009
This year Grandma Karen Ann Harvey was in the hospital with cancer. Luke and Ethan spent a number of hours with her on Saturday which helped her. The photos include a prayer shawl she had just received from Sherwood Park United Church for Easter.
These photos show Luke and Ethan's unconditional love for their Grandma while she was sick (even smiling took energy she did not always have). On Easter Sunday she went outside the front door of the hospital as she wanted to put her bare feet on the grass that April 12, 2009. Thankfully she gained her strength and lived at home for two more months. We lost her at the young age of 65.
On Easter Sunday, while Z'Anne stayed at the hospital with her Mom, the guys (Brad, Luke and Ethan) headed down the street to the Jansen Easter Celebration in Sherwood Park. If anyone took pictures, we would love to add them to our treasured memories.

Easter 2008
This was a unique Easter celebration on the Jansen side at Aunty Pam and Uncle John's acreage. Fostering dogs is a big part of their life, and there were a new set of puppies everyone got to hold that Saturday March 23, 2008 before and after Easter dinner.

Left to right: Luke Jansen (13 years), Grandma Marilyn Jansen, Dad Brad Jansen,
cousin Samuel Mueller (7 years), Ethan Jansen (9 years)
Easter 2007
Easter Sunday dinner was at home on Sunday April 8th, which was fun. Both Harvey's and Jansen's were present. Second/third cousins the Shular's added to the fun. Here are Bryan and Amanda playing hockey outside with Luke (12 years) on the right and goalie Ethan (8 years).

Easter 2006
Grandma Harvey joined the Harvey-Jansen four (Ethan 7 years, Luke 11 years) for dinner on Sunday April 16th, 2006. A few decorations are "on theme" throughout the dining room as Z'Anne snaps the photo.

Easter 2005
Although Grandma Harvey's calendar reminds us we had Easter dinner at her house on Saturday, and we think that might have meant there was an Easter dinner with Jansen's possibly on Sunday March 27th, Good Friday was actually the extra special day this year.
We went out for dinner with Z'Anne's Aunt Lenore Doern and her children and grandchildren to celebrate Lenore's 65th birthday on Friday March 25th, 2005, and here are two of many pictures taken that day to remember the fun.

Top photo: Cousins Landyn Carr (almost 10 years), Luke Jansen (10 years), Z'Anne Harvey-Jansen
Bottom photo: 2nd cousins Colton Carr (8 years), Ethan Jansen (6 years)
Easter 2004
Luke at 9 years old spent Easter Sunday dinner at his Grandma and Grandpa Jansen's. But the only pic is of his little brother Ethan (5 years) and his youngest Jansen cousin Sam (3 years). Aren't they the cutest in this childhood pic! No Harvey Easter as Grandma Harvey was on Vancouver Island visiting Luke & Ethan's Uncle Darrell and Aunty Katie.

Easter 2003
April 20, 2003 on a spring Easter Day


Easter 2002
Easter Sunday March 31, 2002 - Luke (7 years) with a tooth missing and little brother Ethan (3 years) proud of the eggs they decorated with stickers.
Easter 2001
On Palm Sunday, Luke and his second cousin Landyn stand in front of the Communion Table as they participate in Sunday School (5 year old class) at church; the Communion Table is in memory of Z'Anne's Dad, Luke's namesake Grandpa Murray Harvey, and Landyn's Great Uncle Murray. Also, Brad took some photos on Easter Sunday April 15, 2001 of Luke, Ethan and Z'Anne


Easter 2000
Sunday April 23, 2000 was a lovely sunny day. What a great photo of the 5 Harvey grandchildren who were born so far gathering on their Grandma Karen Ann Harvey's front step in Sherwood Park. Left to right - Dakota, Luke, Ethan, Keaton and baby Madison.
We enjoyed an Easter picnic with Grandma Harvey, Bobby, and John & Roberta Verwey at Jean Vanier playground including some croquet.

Easter 1999
Sunday April 4, 1999 was Luke's little brother Ethan's very first Easter. Since Ethan was too young for chocolate he got a personal flotation device for the upcoming boating season. Luke at 4 years old was already very much into solid chocolate bunny eating.

Easter 1998
On Easter Saturday April 11th, Jansen cousins Luke (3 years) and Tyler (2 years) went to the park with their parents and Grandma and Grandpa Jansen. Then the outdoor fun continued on Easter Sunday April 12, 1998 with kite flying with Grandma Harvey. Great ways to celebrate for very active little cousins. We ate our Easter picnic inside as the weather was cool as shown with Luke and the eldest Harvey cousin Dakota.


Easter 1997
Two Easters celebrated - Easter Saturday at the Jansen grandparents with 3rd cousins Bryan and Amanda Shular having fun with their little cousin Luke Jansen. On Easter Sunday March 30th Luke (2 years) looked - and ate - chocolate eggs at his home in the Burnewood neighbourhood of Edmonton.

Easter 1996
The Easter weekend began with baby cousin Tyler (2 months) coming to visit us in our Edmonton homel Luke (13 months) sure looks pleased to have his first Jansen cousin visit. It was nice enough to snap some photos outside on Easter Saturday of Luke.
On Easter Sunday April 7th Luke (1 year) and his Mom & Dad (Z'Anne & Brad) all went to Grandma Karen Ann Harvey's house for Easter dinner. Uncle Darrell (in Grade 12 and soon to be 18) is in a photo too with the ancient Easter rabbit that had graced decorations at the late Grandpa Murray Harvey's childhood home in The Pas.

First Easter 1995
Luke (5 weeks old) spent his first Easter with his Mom and Dad in northern Manitoba at The Pas visiting his 99 and a half year old Great Grandpa WH (Bill) Harvey at his seniors apartment. Luke looks pretty happy about the whole thing! We were all dressed up for Easter Sunday April 16th worship at the United Church in town. Wouldn't Luke's namesake and Z'Anne's Dad Murray be proud to see us all spending precious time together. Luke's Great Grandpa Harvey picture here would go on to be in all our lives until 105 years old.

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